Corporate Social Responsibility
Since 2023, Grafiks has been collaborating as an ambassador for the Fundació Avan at the Nit de l’Esperança.
Grafiks has been collaborating with Fundació Vinne since 2023, providing graphic materials for their events.
We have been collaborating with El Llindar Foundation since 2022, providing guidance on digital manufacturing and offering students the opportunity to complete their internships at Grafiks.
In 2023, we gifted the organization Aviació Adaptada the banner in the image. We are delighted to have had the opportunity to collaborate with the organization. Representatives of the most important companies in the Catalan economy attend the high level presentations that we organize, attracted by the quality of our speakers who participate as lecturers.
Temyque (Tengo Esclerosis Múltiple y QUÉ) is a non-profit organization dedicated mainly to carry out leisure activities for people with a neurodegenerative disease called Multiple Sclerosis in order to help them overcome both physical and psychological barriers.
Organization under the Patronage Law 49/2002.
Fundación Áurea has a commitment to society that materializes in its contribution to the social development of disadvantaged groups, due to lack of coverage of basic needs or health care.
At Grafiks we add our little grain of sand to their mission with the lettering of their vehicle graphics.
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Centro de Empresas Baix Llobregat
Sant Cugat Trade Centre
C/ Tirso de Molina, 36. Nave 1
08940 Cornellà (Barcelona)