Signage is one of the best ways to show and share the brand image, the feelings we want to transmit and the products we want to sell. Brands, when creating the image of their company, often use a strategy to find and attract a specific type of customer, they get certain aspects of the brand and its identity to make you feel identified and somehow connected to it through branding. This leads to the purchase of their products and services because of your affinity to the brand. But why does this really happen?

They are called brand archetypes, which, in a way, human behaviors follow patterns that determine the way people think and act, and visually connect with certain characteristics of the environment.

What are brand archetypes?

Brand archetypes are models or personality patterns that are used to define a brand’s identity. These archetypes are based on psychological concepts and are inspired by the archetypes proposed by the Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. They are used to humanize and personify a brand, allowing companies to establish deeper emotional connections with their audience.

Each brand archetype represents a specific set of characteristics, values and behaviors that are recognizable and understandable to the public. And each brand’s signage manages to transmit those values and compartments to each person, in a way that attracts their interest in the brand. By identifying with an archetype, a brand can define its tone of voice, communication style, visual appearance and market positioning. And each has its own strengths, weaknesses and associated values, allowing brands to establish a distinctive and appealing identity for their target audience.

Types of archetypes

  • The innocent

These brands convey optimism and confidence, they want to imply that everything will be fine. It is characterized by purity, simplicity and transparency in their actions, and showing great satisfaction in doing their duty.

Its colors are usually pastel shades, and its products maintain consistency and stability over time, reflecting the trust and reliability that the brand seeks to convey.

  • The wise

This brand archetype is defined by its constant search for knowledge and its commitment to disseminating news and discoveries to the public.

Always attentive to the latest market trends and advances in different fields, this brand’s main objective is to provide enriching information to its audience.

Its characteristic colors are neutral, such as gray, blue or white, reflecting seriousness, reliability and a sense of calm that invites learning and the exploration of knowledge.

  • The hero

These types of brands are characterized by their courage and commitment to challenges, demonstrating unwavering determination and tireless dedication to their goals. With a proactive attitude and a strong sense of responsibility, this brand identifies with the protection of the most vulnerable and the defense of just causes.

It uses vibrant and energetic colors that evoke power and vigor, while its messages are inspirational and motivational to others.

  • The outlaw

Try to demonstrate an irreverent personality that is out of the ordinary. It is a rebellious brand that does not need to fit into social norms, it is different and is always looking for innovative changes and support values that do not usually agree with the frameworks of a traditional society.

From technology companies to social organizations to youth fashion brands, this archetype is associated with those looking to challenge expectations and change the game.

  • The explorer

They are brands that seek adventure and constantly challenge the monotony of life. This brand archetype is the explorer, the individual who rejects routines and constantly seeks new experiences to nurture his restless spirit.

This archetype is associated with those who share a desire to discover the world and know themselves through experience.

  • The magician

They want to generate illusion, renewal, and imagine that dreams are fulfilled and must be achieved. They find answers to everything.

Some brands that are associated with this archetype have to do with spiritual trends, astrologers, makeup and personal care, as well as all kinds of guides, people or companies that enjoy transforming and that surround them with a certain halo of mystery.

  • Ordinary person

Imagine a brand that effortlessly adapts to social norms and enjoys the simplicity of everyday life. This archetype is the common citizen, who acts with practicality and common sense, without seeking to stand out.

This type of brand is found in sectors such as food and local services, offering simple and genuine solutions for the daily needs of its customers.

  • The lover

These brands seek to awaken sensations of pleasure and exclusivity in their users. This archetype, associated with companies in cosmetics, fashion, recreation and more, strives to create a unique and luxurious experience.

It uses cursive or handwritten typography to add a touch of elegance, while its colors can be light or suggestive reds, evoking passion and sophistication.

  • The joker

This archetype, focused on creativity and originality, constantly seeks to innovate and surprise its audience with unique and memorable messages.

It uses bright colors such as blues, reds, yellows and oranges to convey energy and vitality.

Its advertising campaigns stand out for being out of the ordinary and leaving a lasting impression in the minds of consumers, who remember its messages easily due to its playful and distinctive approach.

  • The Caretaker

They associate it with professions such as doctors, nurses and teachers, as well as with insurance, food, security and medicine companies, seeking to generate a sense of security and trust in their consumers.

Their communication focuses on evoking memories, family moments and tranquility. It uses soft colors in its communication resources to create an atmosphere of calm and serenity that reinforces its message of protection and care.

  • The creator

Creativity is its most outstanding feature. This archetype is characterized by a different approach and the ability to think outside the box, seeking inspiration from ideas and concepts that already exist in other areas.

It is not so much about being completely innovative, but about creating from the reinterpretation and fusion of previous ideas.

  • The ruler

He personifies leadership and the power of persuasion, standing out for his ability to exert control and maintain order at all times.

These brands enjoy prestige, quality and glamour, while deeply fearing chaos and uncertainty. They are associated with government organizations and banking institutions that seek to convey an image of authority and stability.

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